Have a need for some thermal or acoustical Insulation? Wondering which product will be the most sustainable and eco-friendly to meet your needs? Well, look no further than one of the oldest insulants available, fiberglass insulation. Whether you are looking to reinsulate the attic of your personal home, designing a new home, erecting a metal building, or engineering a modern refinery, fiberglass insulation products not only offer high thermal and acoustical performance levels, but do so in a manner that is more sustainable than virtually any other mainstream insulation product available.
Why Old School Fiberglass is the Way to Go
Oh sure, there are newer insulation technologies available, and most of them are effective in the roles they are designed to play, but the old tried and true fiberglass insulation products can still outperform the newer products from a thermal performance perspective and do so with less environmental impact. How so? Well lets talk a little about that. While the actual manufacturing of glass fibers remains virtually the same as it has for the last 80+ years, there have been significant inroads towards producing finished products that are designed to be sustainable and eco-friendly. For example, did you know that the fiberglass industry now produces its products by utilizing a raw material mix that consists of over 50% recycled glass? Not only does that reduce glass from the waste stream, but it saves a significant amount of energy used in the manufacturing process as well. Its easier and less costly to re-melt glass than it is to produce it from sand. How much recycled glass is that for Knauf Insulation? Well, how about 26,000,000 bottles a month, every month! And, we would use more if they were available. Considering that one glass bottle yields 3,500 MILES of fiber for our process, just think how sustainable using recycled glass really is! So, we save energy and reduce waste when producing our products. Not a bad start towards producing a sustainable insulation product. And by the way, dont take our word for it. The amount of recycled glass we use is certified by UL Environment&every year! Remember that 3500 miles of fiber per bottle? Want to help? Its simple really. Drink more beer!
The Evolution of Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing
Ten years ago, another significant, in fact an industry changing event took place that improved the manufacturing process and the finished products themselves. In 2008, Knauf Insulation pioneered the use of bio-based binders with the introduction of Ecose Technology